Thursday, January 28, 2016

Hello again and Welcome to another week of Sierra's Weekly Sayings! This week, we recently finished our latest novel The Taming Of The Shrew by William Shakespeare. So for this blog, I will imagine what it would be like if I was the marriage counselor for our two main headstrong characters Petruchio and Katherina. Here is what happened........
I walked into the room where the counseling was being held and I already heard shouting. I was already wanting to leave. I honestly hate my job but it pays well so I deal with it. I come into the room to see a man laying face down on the floor, with a woman sitting on top of him holding his arms and legs down. They were both screaming at each other but I could hardly make out any of it. I sat down and started to read my book until they decided to calm down. I sat there, for two hours, not kidding. Good news is I finished my book, of course it was the the poodle groomer who killed them in the end! Ok I am getting side tracked, anyways when they both finally sat down, I looked at them and asked them to describe how they felt at the moment. They both responded with evil glares to one another and silence. I knew nothing I had to think of was going to work, so I picked up a new book and started to read it until they wanted to speak. After another hour, Petruchio finally asked if I was gonna do anything to help them. I told them that if they wanted my help then they would have to stay seated and not speak to one another unless I gave them permission to. They both rolled their eyes at me. I first asked Petruchio how he felt about their problems and relationship. He said that nothing was wrong between them and that she just needed to be kinder and not speak out so much. When I asked her the same she just sat there and said that she wished that he cared about her more and that if he loved her he would show it. Instead she claims he is rude and unkind towards her. I thought long and hard about what they both told me. Clearly they were both the issue in this relationship. I suggested that as a short term goal they should temporarily spend an hour each day and sit down together and talk about how they felt that day. This would help them come together more and learn to sit down and listen. The long term goal I gave them was for them to learn to respect one another and to calmly speak to each other. This will create a better aura around their relationship. Overall the meeting ended well and we are planning another meeting for next month to check on their progress.
To end this weeks blog, a quote for the Shakespeare lovers,
"And kiss me, Kate; we will be married a Sunday!"
—Petruchio, The Taming of the Shrew
Thank you for reading this weeks addition of Sierra's Weekly Sayings!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Hi to whomever is reading and welcome back to another week of Sierra's Weekly Sayings! This week I will be discussing the topic of women keeping their last names. I have heard a lot of debating about whether or not a women should keep her last name from birth. For me personally I do not think it is that important for a women to keep her last name. I think it just depends on the type of person they are. I don't believe women should be forced to keep their last name or be forced to take their husbands name. They should just be given a choice as to if they want to keep their last name or not. Not to sound silly but maybe the wife just likes her last name more than her husbands, or her husbands more than hers. Again it is just the type of person she is. To me it should not really matter at all. It is not a big issue and people should not use time and energy debating about it. If she wants her husbands name she will take it, if she doesn't she won't. It is as simple as that. When I get married I am planning on keeping my last name purely because I love my last and I wouldn't want any other one. I think it is ok for a women to keep her last name and people should respect that.

To end this weeks blog, a quote I just found actually,
"Well the time and day has changed, where the women where the pants without changing the last name."
- Rihanna
Thank you for reading and I hope you read again next time on Sierra's Weekly Sayings!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Hello everybody! I have been gone for such a long time but it is finally time to resume Sierra's Weekly Sayings! This week the term Feminism has been brought to our attention. I have never been sure if I consider myself a feminist. To me I feel like women do not need a term in order for us to show our equality. We should just be equal and that is that. We do not need a term in my opinion. I do not think feminist is a dirty word though. People should be allowed to use feminism as much as they want and no one should ever judge them for it. I think that people who consider themselves as a feminist are brave. They are standing up for what they believe in and that is great. I have recently read a lot of articles about feminism. Unless someone considers them self a feminist, most people seem to not like the term very much at all. I think it is crazy that people think feminism leads women to leaving their husband, killing their children, and becoming killers of capitalism. It makes me really mad that people assume those things. Even though I do not entirely consider myself a feminist, it infuriates me that people are allowed to say this. It is wrong. People do not want to see a change in the world for women and that is sad. We should all be treated equal no matter our gender, race, or who we love. We are all equal.

To end this weeks blog, I found this quote a while ago and thought it was incredibly interesting.
" When men are oppressed, it's a tragedy. When women are oppressed, it's a tradition. " - Letty Pogrebin
Thanks for reading and I hope to see you next week on Sierra's Weekly Sayings!